Hi there, I'm Alex.

Front End Developer,

Minimalist and Coffee Lover

I’m passionate about technology, building and creating things from scratch, I enjoy being able to take ideas and trasnform them into something people can experience and interact with.

Through my journey as a self-taught Developer, I've learn how to keep up with new technologies and always improve my skills, which have gave me the opportunity to work doing what I love.

I have experience creating, building and designing landing pages and single page applications using a diverse array of technologies, languages and frameworks, while writting maintainable and easy to understand code.

My Skills

Part of being a Developer is keeping up with the trends, technologies, languages, and frameworks that improve our workflow, and I enjoy taking up courses such as The Complete Web Developer, Advanced CSS & Sass, Complete React Developer, Pro Gatsby, currently working through Wes Bos's ES6 for Everyone.




Javascript ES6



Firebase API






Projects I Have Worked On

I'm always learning, studying and experimenting with new technologies, frameworks and languages, check out some of the things I have built.


Web application for group trips, that allows you to chat with your group, upload images and upload receipts to keep track of expenses, all in one place.


Fintech website in which you can track any company stock, get access to news based on the stock, the stock movement in intervals, and create your own watchlist after you sign-up, we also provide dark theme in case you enjoy it.


Covid related game, you play as a scientist who needs to travel between maps to recover the cure for the virus, while running away from the contamination and virus itself.

Smart Brain

Web application for face detection using the Clarifai API